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All co-authors automobile evidence memory contracting moral hazard data adverse selection role long term empirical information inferring technological parameters incomplete bonus malus versicherungsmarkt mikroökonometrie microeconometrics kostenfunktion schätzung estimation straßengüterverkehr insurance incentive models content household decisions markets test use scheme konsumtheorie versicherung versicherungsmathematik mechanisms safe driving comparative analysis dynamic econometric accident distributions informational applications asymmetric testing market comment panel application ratemaking presence asymmetrical efficiency associated schemes examples contracts eighties different contributions showed multi period improves resource allocation stressed did consider possibility savings consequently clear introducing work efficiently reduce results implementation new quebec industry reduced accidents traffic violations abbring conclude reductions measure effects road safety strafe punishment straßenverkehr wirkungsanalyse verkehrsunfall lebensversicherung frankreich france informationsökonomik
Composed terms automobile insurance kfz versicherung adverse selection adverse selektion quebec provinz quebec province role memory memory long long term term contracting contracting moral hazard empirical evidence adverse selection automobile insurance market inferring technological technological parameters parameters incomplete incomplete panel panel data bonus malus cost function road freight transport moral hazard empirical evidence evidence automobile content household household decisions asymmetric information insurance markets markets inferring malus scheme consumption theory asymmetrische information actuarial mathematics ontario provinz ontario province 1981 1988 insurance incentive incentive mechanisms mechanisms safe safe driving driving comparative comparative analysis analysis dynamic dynamic data data econometric econometric models models accident accident distributions distributions informational informational content decisions applications applications insurance insurance asymmetric information testing testing evidence market comment comment role insurance evidence data information information content application insurance data inferring data automobile insurance ratemaking presence asymmetrical information test test efficiency efficiency associated associated role use memory multi period models did new bonus safety 1983 1996
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Charles Vanasse Alternative spellings: C. Vanasse Biblio: Tätig am Economics Department, Univ. of Montreal (1992)
Publishing years Series Série des documents de travail / Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (2) Documents de travail / THEMA (1) Cahier / Département de Sciences Économiques, Université de Montréal (1) Cahier de recherche / Institut d'Economie Appliquée, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (1)