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Petrosjan, Leon A. Zhang, Yingxuan Wong, Wing Keung Lu, Richard Cheung, Michael Tow Jørgensen, Steffen Poon, Jessie P. H. Yeung, Lai-Yee Stewart, Sally Rowse, John G. Hartwick, John M. Eldredge, Bradly Mak, Demi Cheng, Sum T. S. Nash, John F. Yeung, Patricia M. Petrosyan, L. A. Petrosian, Ovanes Sedakov, Artem Mazalov, Vladimir V. Gromova, Ekaterina Parilina, Elena M. Yeung, Stella All co-authors dynamic games spieltheorie cooperative durable strategies game investors reverse shaped consistent solution stochastic chapter subgame rule techniques differential equilibria environmental horizon model capital type location scale mean variance applications analysis asynchronous horizons commons public goods management economic random technical paper preferences using assets investments gemeingüter network mathematical technology tragedy special issue lags new cooperation provision solutions randomly uncertain dynamically collaborative advanced payoffs class resource extraction problems note common non china flow change oligopoly dominant risk conjecture expected conditions parts follow say family linear combination families develop developed book provides multiple foundation theoretical eco degradation netzwerk anlageverhalten gleichgewichtstheorie nachhaltigkeit verzögerung umweltmanagement kooperation oligopol fair sharing value global political economy utility multi objective petersburg state
Composed terms game theory dynamic game dynamisches spiel kooperatives spiel cooperative game investors reverse reverse shaped shaped utility subgame consistent rule investors strategies dynamic cooperative dynamic mv rule nichtkooperatives spiel noncooperative game consistent cooperative dynamic games solution techniques location scale nash gleichgewicht nash equilibrium mean variance games solution techniques applications horizon dynamic environmental management consistent solution cooperative stochastic stochastic differential chapter durable cooperative dynamic games subgame consistency stochastisches spiel stochastic game dynamic network games mathematical variance rule cooperative equilibria utility durable game analysis horizons durable games durable control lags dynamic environmental cooperative provision provision public public goods cooperative solutions stochastic dynamic dynamically consistent differential games economic optimization random horizon technical note capital flow preferences investors using mv parts assets assets follow follow type type say type location scale family family linear linear combination combination location scale families developed paper operations research computational mathematics eco degradation shapley value shapley wert portfolio management game st
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
David W. K. Yeung Alternative spellings: David W. Yeung D. W. K. Yeung David Yeung B: 1955
Affiliations Hong Kong Shue Yan University Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet Hong Kong Baptist University University of Hong Kong. School of Economics and Finance
Publishing years Series Theory and decision library / C : TDL (2) Theory and Decision Library C, Game Theory, Social Choice, Decision Theory, and Optimization (1) International game theory review (1) Publications from Department of Management (1)