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Smith, Sarah Scharf, Kimberly A. Moffitt, Robert A. Ribar, David C. Hungerman, Daniel M. Vesterlund, Lise Joulfaian, David Rooney, Patrick Michael Xie, Huan Han, Xiao Moffitt, Robert A. Wang, Xiaoyun Osili, Una Okonkwo Wang, Xiaoyun Zhang, Ye Estell, David B. Perdue, Neil H. Bandy, Robert Brown, Eleanor P. Steinberg, Richard Creedy, John Taber, Christopher Han, Xiao All co-authors giving fundraising charity altruism wohltätigkeit altruismus charitable warm glow time new price evidence lift shift effect labor welfare impure preferences schätzung estimation tax supply decline inequality interventions space match crowd affluent benefits role different model elasticity number arbeitsangebot wage response data estimates sources einkommensteuer wirkungsanalyse
Composed terms labor supply fundraising interventions charity space space time labour supply welfare benefits lift shift shift effect effect fundraising interventions charity income tax match price impact assessment intertemporale entscheidung intertemporal choice taxation labor supply decisions decisions affluent decline welfare wage inequality impact giving giving evidence impure altruism tax reform crowding out benefits role role wage impure impact natural disasters warm glow joy giving real wages price elasticities sources warm wage structure Öffentliche sozialleistungen social security benefits income distribution evidence impure donation response response natural people testing testing pure pure impure altruistic joy giving motivations price elasticity present new strength warm giving preferences giving consistent scale disaster aid response number killed public goods humanitäre hilfe humanitarian aid disaster damage intergenerational equity self interest charitable giving giving new affluent decline inequality charitable role modeling economics psychology american giving time donation disasters lift time people motivations charitable charitable behavior
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4 records from EconBiz based on author Name Bollnow, Hermann;
1954 Bollnow, Hermann;
1956 Bollnow, Hermann ;
1958 Bollnow, Hermann ;
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Mark Ottoni Wilhelm Prof. Alternative spellings: Mark O. Wilhelm Mark Ottoni Wilhelm Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm Mark Wilhelm Biblio: Department of Economics, Indiana University ; Center on Philanthropy at Indiana State University
Affiliations Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis New York University Pennsylvania State University (University Park, Pa.)
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (4) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (4) Working papers in economics (3) NBER working paper series (2) IFS working paper (2) Discussion paper / University of Bristol, Department of Economics (2) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) Working papers / Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (1) CESifo working papers (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Proceedings of the Trans-Atlantic Public Economics Seminar on Inter-Jurisdictional Differences in Tax and Expenditure Policies (1) The family and intergenerational relations (1)