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Burn, Lachlan Kirilenko, Andrei Gulati, Mitu Gray, Joanna Carletti, Elena Allen, Franklin Zettelmeyer, Jeromin Miles, David Laffan, Brigid Pelkmans, Jacques Luchetta, Giacomo Nikpay, Ali Taylor, Deirdre All co-authors finance geography europe changing florence university financial single market banking european institute centre conference year sector fintech finanztechnologie finanzmarktregulierung brexit finanzmarkt regulation enjoying network industries project years law competition het concurrentiebeleid van vervoergebied school robert schuman advanced studies brevan howard imperial college london cooperation baffi carefin bocconi organised entitled event held campus italy level debate convened eui villa schifanoia hills gathers limited group leading economists lawyers political scientists policy makers review selected contemporary challenges related economic governance discussion focused rapid evolution particularly taking account sudden shifts regulatory framework caused profound changes currently happening fact advent innovative technologies collectively known revolutionising modus operandi global infrastructure introduction novel elements cryptocurrencies big data block chain proliferation ledgers wider industry build impact different activities offering advantages terms speed ease access simplicity benefits new risks verkehrspolitik
Composed terms eu staaten eu countries geography finance changing geography finance regulation regulation europe single market banking finance european university university institute financial technology financial market regulation financial market europe changing europe enjoying enjoying single market network network industries industries project project single market years years eu eu law law competition competition het het concurrentiebeleid concurrentiebeleid van van op op vervoergebied vervoergebied florence florence school school banking finance european institute robert robert schuman schuman centre centre advanced advanced studies studies brevan brevan howard howard centre centre imperial imperial college college london london cooperation cooperation baffi baffi carefin carefin bocconi bocconi university university organised organised conference conference entitled entitled changing europe event event held held european institute campus campus florence florence italy italy conference conference level level debate debate convened convened year year eui eui villa villa schifanoia schifanoia hills hills florence florence gathers gathers limited limited group group leading leading economists economists lawyers lawyers political political scientists scientists policy policy makers makers review review selected selected contemporary challenges related focused rapid big data data block new risks arise eu recht
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jonathan Faull B: 1954 Biblio: Director General, European Commission; Competition Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (1992) Source:
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Profession Jurist
Publishing years Series Studies & reports / Notre Europe - Jacques Delors Institute (1)