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86 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Moving to opportunity, together
Jayachandran, Seema; Nassal, Lea; Notowidigdo, Matthew J.; Paul, Marie; Sarsons, Heather; Sundberg, Elin;2024
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;

2. Time of change : health effects of motherhood
abstractThis paper combines German claims and survey data to provide a comprehensive picture of the health dynamics surrounding the transition into motherhood. Event-study estimates reveal good mental health around birth, but declines afterward, as reflected by increasing mental illness diagnoses and antidepressant and psychotherapy use during the first four years of motherhood. Painkillers, headaches, obesity, and other potentially stress-related physical illnesses, as well as survey evidence on well-being, show a similar pattern. A sustained reduction in sleep, sports, and other leisure activities, coupled with childcare obligations and possible psychosocial distress, may contribute to the long-term adverse effects of motherhood.
Dehos, Fabian; Paul, Marie; Schäfer, Wiebke; Süß, Karolin;2024
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;

3. Time of change : health effects of motherhood
abstractThis paper combines German claims and survey data to provide a comprehensive picture of the health dynamics surrounding the transition into motherhood. Event-study estimates reveal good mental health around birth, but declines afterward, as reflected by increasing mental illness diagnoses and antidepressant and psychotherapy use during the first four years of motherhood. Painkillers, headaches, obesity, and other potentially stress-related physical illnesses, as well as survey evidence on well-being, show a similar pattern. A sustained reduction in sleep, sports, and other leisure activities, coupled with childcare obligations and possible psychosocial distress, may contribute to the long-term adverse effects of motherhood.
Dehos, Fabian; Paul, Marie; Schäfer, Wiebke; Süß, Karolin;2024
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;

4. Couples, careers, and spatial mobility
Nassal, Lea; Paul, Marie;2022
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;

5. Couples, careers, and spatial mobility
abstractWe investigate the effects of long-distance moves of married couples on both spouses' earnings, employment and job characteristics based on a new administrative dataset from Germany. Employing difference-in-difference propensity score matching and accounting for spouses' premove employment biographies, we show that men's earnings increase significantly after the move, whereas women suffer large losses in the first years. Men's earnings increases are mainly driven by increasing wages and switches to slightly larger and better paying firms. Investigating effect heterogeneity with respect to pre-move relative earnings or for whose job opportunity couples move, confirms strong gender asymmetries in gains to moving.
Nassal, Lea; Paul, Marie;2022
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;

6. Time of Change: Health Effects of Motherhood
Dehos, Fabian T.; Paul, Marie; Schäfer, Wiebke; Süß, Karolin;2024
Type: Working Paper;

7. Time of change: Health effects of motherhood
Dehos, Fabian; Paul, Marie; Schäfer, Wiebke; Süß, Karolin;2024
Type: Working Paper;

8. Moving to Opportunity, Together
abstractMany couples face a trade-off between advancing one spouse's career or the other's. We study this trade-off using administrative data from Germany and Sweden. We first conduct an event-study analysis of couples moving across commuting zones and find that relocation increases men's earnings more than women's, with strikingly similar patterns in Germany and Sweden. Using a sample of mass layoff events, we then find that couples in both countries are more likely to relocate in response to the man being laid off compared to the woman. We investigate whether these gendered patterns reflect men's higher potential earnings or a gender norm that prioritizes men's career advancement. We provide suggestive evidence of a gender norm using variation in norms within Germany. We then develop and estimate a model of household decision-making in which households can place more weight on the income earned by the man compared to the woman. In both countries, the estimated model can accurately reproduce the reduced-form results, including those not used to estimate the model. The results point to a role for gender norms in explaining the gender gap in the returns to joint moves
Jayachandran, Seema; Nassal, Lea; Notowidigdo, Matthew J.; Paul, Marie; Sarsons, Heather; Sundberg, Elin;2024
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link Link
9. Couples, careers, and spatial mobility
abstractWe examine the employment and earnings effects of long-distance moves for married couples based on a new administrative data set from Germany. Using difference-in-difference propensity score matching, we estimate the average treatment effect for moving couples while precisely accounting for pre-move employment dynamics. Our results show that men's earnings increase significantly after the move, while women suffer large losses in the first years after the move. We shed light on potential mechanisms and show that spouses' earnings response is driven by men moving to larger, higher paying establishments, whereas women move to smaller, lower paying establishments. We explore effect heterogeneity by spouses' relative earnings before the move and find evidence for gender asymmetries.phonology, Spanish, Argentina, phonemes, variation, resyllabification
Nassal, Lea; Paul, Marie;2021
Type: Konferenzbeitrag; Conference paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link
10. The effects of training incidence and planned training duration on labor market transitions
Fitzenberger, Bernd; Osikominu, Aderonke; Paul, Marie;2023
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link