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Composed terms monetary policy norges bank central bank interest rate random walk communicating monetary policy intentions intentions case case norges bank implementing implementing communicating communicating optimal optimal monetary policy choice choice exchange exchange rate rate assumption assumption process process forecasting forecasting inflation inflation norges bank experiences experiences publishing publishing rate rate forecasts forecasts langsiktige langsiktige utviklingen utviklingen offentlige offentlige finansene finansene sammenhengen sammenhengen mellom mellom inflasjon inflasjon og og arbeidsledighet arbeidsledighet kapitalkrav kapitalkrav til til renterisiko renterisiko finansinstitusjoner finansinstitusjoner vurdering vurdering av av egenskaper egenskaper ved ved norske norske renter renter yield curve forecasting model interest rate parity inflation rate politische kommunikation political communication Öffentliche finanzen public finance leading indicator
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Amund Holmsen Biblio: Norges Bank (1993)
Publishing years Series Staff memo / Norges Bank (2) Working paper / Norges Bank (1) Arbeidsnotat / Norges Bank (1)