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Sakellarēs, Plutarchos Benhabib, Jess Nayda, William I. Sack, Brian King, Thomas B. Levin, Andrew T. Eudey, Gwen Piraino, Steve Allard, Thomas C. Carlson, Mark Shigoka, Tadashi Nishimura, Kazuo Sack, Brian P. LeSueur, Eric Durham, J. Benson Nayda, William (Bill) I. Levy, Aviram Grande, Giuseppe Angelini, Paolo Penetta, Fabio Burger, Jeffrey McLoughlin, Thomas Sourbis, Nick Sandri, Marco All co-authors capital models business revolving persistence model market allocation retail exposures long cycle basel finanzmarkt schock shock financial recession economic regulatory amplify movements term rates cycles multisector growth konjunktur effects volatility endogenous rbc future generated volatilität kreditrisiko privatkundengeschäft kapitalstruktur bankenaufsicht federal reserve policy response
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Roberto Perli Alternative spellings: R. Perli Biblio: Tätig beim Federal Reserve Board; Univ. of Pennsylvania; Dep. of Economics, New York Univ., NY
Affiliations Cornerstone Macro
Publishing years Series Finance and economics discussion series (4) Economic research reports (2) FEDS Working Paper (1) BIS papers / Bank for International Settlements, Monetary and Economic Department (1) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Economic Research Division (1) Working paper series / University of Maryland, Department of Economics (1)