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Nyström, Harry Nyvall, Moa Rotter, Julia Patrizia Warner, Arthur Stigzelius, Ingrid Rorarius, Jonas Neame, Charles Tunberg, Maria Özbek, Nurgül Holmsten-Carrizo, Catarina Zobel, Thomas Jenkins, Anna Hunter, Erik Prejer, Brita Sjöström, Fredrik Nagy, Emil Roos, Anders Arman, Saleh Md Smeder, Bo All co-authors sweden schweden business model new sustainable corporate food development functional och ethical public private entrepreneurship responsibility oat study svenska geschäftsmodell bekleidungsindustrie ernährungsindustrie innovationsmanagement use oriented consumption review research agenda urban planners perspectives partnership wooden multi storey construction social inclusive agroforestry fear failure leads intentions act entrepreneurially insights threat appraisals coping efficacy luxury marketing strategies related sourscing partnerships strategy retail venture capital needs clean technologies tools assessment tailoring suppliers managing indian garment manufacturing innovation product category foods developing based products processing companies teknologi marknadsutveckling enkätstudie bland livsmedelsföretag technological market case proviva miljöstrategier för produkt företagsutveckling svensk skogsbaserad industri sverige livsmedelsföretags syn produktutveckling marknadsföring rental scandinavia services textile nordeuropa textilindustrie consumer konsumentenverhalten bibliometrie bibliometrics ethik ethics ppp projektmanagement bauprojekt agroforstwirtschaft emotion motivation heimtextilien finnland finland lebensmitteleinzelhandel umweltschutzinvestition india getreide grain getreidemarkt marktanteil
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Cecilia Mark-Herbert Dr. Alternative spellings: Cecilia Mark-Herbert Cecila Mark-Herbert C. Mark-Herbert
Affiliations Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet Cornell University Northeastern University
Publishing years Series Rapport / Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för Ekonomi (5)