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Gautam Bose
Alternative spellings: G. Bose
Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of New South Wales, School of Economics, Australia; Tätig an der American Univ. in Cairo, Egypt; Tätig am Dept. of Econ., Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles; Tätig am CERGE, Charles Univ., Prague, CSFR
UNSW Australian School of Business Research Paper (5)
Discussion paper / School of Economics, The University of New South Wales (4)
Australian School of Business working paper : Australian School of Business research paper (2)
UNSW Economics Working Paper (1)
UNSW Economics Working Paper 2020-01 (1)
NBER Working Paper (1)
IED working papers (1)
Indian growth and development review (1)
Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1)
Discussion paper series / School of Economics and Finance, the University of Hong Kong (1)
Working papers in economics (1)
Working paper series / Charles University, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education ; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Economics Institute, CERGE-EI (1)