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65 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. Eco-labels for credence attributes : the case of shade-grown coffee
Larson, Bruce A.;2007
Type: Aufsatz im Buch; Book section;
2. Modeling the impacts of environmental policies on agricultural imports
Larson, Bruce A.; Scatasta, Sara;2005
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
3. Water Pricing, the New Water Law, and the Poor : An Estimation of Demand for Improved Water Services in Madagascar
abstractGeneralized cost recovery is one of the basic principles of the new Water Law that has recently been adopted by the Malagasy government. However, the effect of this change in policy is still poorly understood. Based on contingent valuation surveys in an urban and a rural area in southern Madagascar, this study analyzes the effect of changes in prices for water services. The results suggest that a minimum size of 90 households in a village is necessary to reach full cost recovery for well construction. Given that this is significantly above the current size of villages in the survey area, full cost recovery seems therefore impossible and subsidies are necessary to increase access to improved water services. Cost recovery for maintenance is relatively easier to achieve. In urban areas, water use practices and willingness to pay for water services depend highly on household income. To better serve the poor, it is therefore suggested that rich households, who rely on private taps, cross-subsidize poor households as a significant number of households is unwilling or unable to pay for water from a public tap. Given that public taps make up a small part of the total consumption of the national water company JIRAMA, lower income from public taps are shown to have only a marginal effect on its total income. However, as experiences in other countries as well as in Madagascar have shown, a fee on public taps is necessary as water for free leads to spoilage, does not give any incentive for the distributor to expand networks, and might therefore be a bad policy for the poor overall
Minten, Bart; Razafindralambo, Ramy; Burton Randriamiarana, Zaza; Larson, Bruce A.;2003
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 1 (based on OpenCitations)
4. Eco-Labels for Credence Attributes: The Case of Shade-Grown Coffee
Larson, Bruce A.;2002
Availability: Link
Larson, Bruce A.;2002
Type: Congress Report;
Availability: Link
Larson, Bruce A.;2002
Availability: Link
7. Eco-Labels for Credence Attributes: The Case of Shade-Grown Coffee
Larson, Bruce A.;2002
Availability: Link
8. The impact of environmental regulations on exports : case study results from Cyprus, Jordan, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey
abstractConcern about the effects of environmental policies on trade competitiveness continues to grow in the non-Eu Mediterranean regions (e.g. North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, Cyprus). While the impact of environmental regulations on exports is widely discussed in the region, there has been little empirical analysis of how more stringent environmental regulations might affect exports of key sectors in the future. This paper summarizes the results of six case studies that estimate the impact of potential changes in environmental regulations on exports from a key sector in each country. (DSE/DÜI)
Larson, Bruce A.; Nicolaides, Eri; AlZu'bi, Bashir; Sukkar, Nabil; Laraki, Karim; Matoussi, Mohamed Saleh; Zu'bi, Basir az-;2002
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
9. Accounting for sustainable agricultural growth in Central America
Larson, Bruce A.;2000
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
10. The US organic market : size, trends, and implications for Central American agricultural exports
Rosen, Sydney; Larson, Bruce A.;2000
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;