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Strijker, Dirk Hilbers, Anne Marel Busscher, Tim Arts, Jos Daams, Michiel N. Castillo-Rivero, Liliana Bettels, Katrin Kamann, Dirk-Jan F. Hoefsloot, M. L. A. W. Wiersma, Doede Vlist, Arno J. van der Steen, Paul J. M. van Pellenbarg, Pieter H. Elbakidze, Marine Veneri, Paolo McCann, Philip Stoffelsma, Ronald J. All co-authors niederlande netherlands place values het een identifying citizens integrated planning road infrastructure projects monetary green space using prices perceived nature immobilienpreis agrarsubvention depopulation ecological degradation dimensions marginalization peripheralization ecosystem integrity assessment factor local revitalization mixed non valuation attractive urban case study amsterdam house effect natural nearby property accounting attractiveness attractivity based water evaluation conservation duurzame ontwikkeling waddengebied afwegingsmethodiek voor economie natuur milieu landschap reverse network engineering framework develop tourism lifestyle approach emssperrwerk evaluatie duurzaamheid van waterkering ems public support dutch agriculture investeringen met ruimtelijke werking landelijk gebied overheidssteun aan nederlandse landbouw central government social funds regional welfare peripherality periphery umwelt environment Ökosystem umweltökonomik regionalentwicklung umweltschutz infrastrukturinvestition landnutzung verkehrsinfrastruktur straßenbau naturschutzgebiet naturschutz tourismus unternehmensnetzwerk lebensstil wasserbau waterway investition investment dezentralisierung decentralization
Composed terms identifying citizens citizens place values integrated integrated planning planning road road infrastructure infrastructure projects real estate price agricultural subsidy 1989 1991 depopulation ecological ecological degradation degradation dimensions dimensions marginalization marginalization peripheralization peripheralization ecosystem ecosystem integrity integrity assessment assessment factor factor local local revitalization revitalization identifying place values projects identifying projects mixed mixed monetary monetary non non monetary monetary valuation valuation attractive attractive urban urban green green space space case case study study using using amsterdam amsterdam house house prices prices effect effect natural natural space space nearby nearby property property prices prices accounting accounting perceived perceived attractiveness attractiveness perceived perceived place place attractivity attractivity based based green green water water nature nature values values evaluation evaluation nature nature conservation conservation duurzame duurzame ontwikkeling ontwikkeling het het waddengebied waddengebied een een afwegingsmethodiek afwegingsmethodiek voor voor economie landschap reverse evaluatie op van een ems public support dutch agriculture investeringen werking het overheidssteun aan nederlandse landbouw social funds welfare land use
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Frans J. Sijtsma Alternative spellings: F. J. Sijtsma Biblio: Rijksuniv. Groningen (1994)
Publishing years Series Publicaties van de Wetenschapswinkel voor Economie : EC ... (2) REG-publicatie (1) Research memorandum / Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen, Institute of Economical Research (1)