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Soubeyran, Antoine Martin, Elsa Neerunjun, Nandeeta Ferrasse, Jean-Henry Giraud, Gaël Tomini, Agnes Llerena, Patrick Cohendet, Patrick Schwartz, Sonia Sans, Damien Bataille, Guillaume Tomini, Agnès Jaeck, Mélanie Lifran, Robert Goncalves, Julio Chekireb, Amine Le Maitre, Stéphanie Canton, Joan NEERUNJUN, NANDEETA Tomini, Agnés Umbhauer, Gisèle All co-authors industries specialized good networks investments composite case markets economic production economics interaction netzwerkökonomik incomplete market equilibria management knowledge lead competitive imperfect competition assets contracts delivery firms component basic stable book approaches experimental different phenomena surplus spieltheorie ressourcenökonomik
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Hubert Stahn Prof. Alternative spellings: H. Stahn B: 1964 Biblio: Tätig am GREQAM, Univ. of the Mediterranean Sea, Les Milles, France; Tätig an der Univ. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
Profession Economist
Affiliations Centre national de la recherche scientifique École des hautes études en sciences sociales Université d'Aix-Marseille
Publishing years Series Working papers (5) Working paper (1) Nota di lavoro / Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (1) Economie et économétrie de l'innovation (1)