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Bostedt, Göran Mattsson, Leif Kriström, Bengt Brännlund, Runar Ericsson, Göran Persson, Jens Gong, Peichen Parks, Peter J. Fredman, Peter Mattsson, Leif Huhtala, Anni Toppinen, Anne Rodriguez, Diego J. Vaughan, William J. Fransson, Johan E. S. Boman, Matthias Bakhtiari, Fatemeh Kindstrand, Claes Bredahl Jacobsen, Jette Andersson, Mats Lundmark, Linda Doctorman, Lindsey Strange Nielsen, Niels Lundhede, Thomas Hedemark Thorsen, Bo Jellesmark Boman, Mallias All co-authors sweden schweden zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse environmental economics valuation umweltökonomik pay forestry contingent forstwirtschaft uncertainty analysis swedish
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Mattias Boman Prof. Dr.
Affiliations University of the West Indies at St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. Department of Agricultural Extension Institutionen för Sydsvensk Skogsvetenskap Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Publishing years Series Arbetsrapport / Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för Skogsekonomi (15) Economy & environment : ECEN ; E & E (2) Working paper / Konjunkturinstitutet (2) Economy & Environment (1) Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae / Silvestria (1) Rapport / Department of Forest Economics (1)