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Oxley, Howard Payet, Stéphanie Dang, Thai Thanh Yermo, Juan Suyker, Wim Maisonneuve, Christine de la Yoo, Kwang-Yeol De Serres, Alain Scarpetta, Stefano Oliveira-Martins, Joaquim Stewart, Fiona de la Maisonneuve, Christine Bover, Olympia Gonand, Frédéric Whitehouse, Edward R. Dyczweski, P. Serres, Alain de LaMaisonneuve, Christine de Vamvakidis, Athanasios Tzanninis, Dimitri Van Elkan, Rachel García Fontes, Walter Dang, Thai Hopenhayn, Hugo Andrés Dang, Thai Than Pugh, Colin Blommestein, Hans J. Ahn, Namkee Scheuenstuhl, Gerhard Karim, David Blome, Sandra Schich, Sebastian T. Zanoli, Raffaele Stolze, Matthias Lampkin, Nicolas Naspetti, S. Harrison, Debbie Fuentes, Olga Gonand, Frederic Ahn, Namkee All co-authors pension ageing countries pensions spain paper spanien impact policy private economic demographic analysis altersvorsorge financial markets growth spending decision unemployment arbeitslosigkeit dynamics coverage retirement plans funded long term fiscal age germany altersgrenze systems labour defined contribution affect flows using period examines individuals main potential trends health pensionskasse arbeitsmarkt poverty factor study projections implications related time suggest poor issues structure care armut sozialstruktur gesundheitskosten responses crisis members case evidence low assessing voluntary spanish united patterns stay transitions finds channels reforms effects focuses economy gdp major netherlands cost elderly
Composed terms oecd countries oecd staaten private altersvorsorge private retirement provision alternde bevölkerung aging population retirement provision private pensions defined contribution pension fund retirement decision labour market overlapping generations poverty dynamics dynamics oecd pension systems long term sozialer wandel social change social structure Öffentliche sozialausgaben public social expenditure health care costs impact ageing pension plans age related related spending decision germany job search stay poverty transitions poverty channels ageing effects ageing analysis focuses health care risk management impact assessment financial economic ageing demand demand factor factor markets markets growth pension risk policy options dc pension contribution pensions financial crisis plans assessing payout phase term budgetary budgetary implications implications tax tax favoured worker flows flows spanish spanish evidence evidence fit microeconometric analysis analysis retirement search behaviour labour mobility paper examines impact demographic demographic trends funded pensions demographic changes portfolio management working time arrangement tax incentive Öffentliche einnahmen public revenue budget deficit 1977 1994 1987 1991 eu countries risk private ageing affect fit stylized long time term poor
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Pablo Antolín Nicolás Alternative spellings: P. Antolín Pablo Antolín Nicolás Pablo Antolin Pablo Antolín-Nicolás P. Antolín-Nicolás
Profession Economist
Affiliations OECD. Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs Nuffield College Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica
Publishing years Series OECD working papers on insurance and private pensions (9) Working papers / OECD, Economics Department (7) OECD Economics Department Working Papers (6) OECD working papers on finance, insurance and private pensions (5) Discussion papers (3) IMF country report (2) OECD working papers (2) Applied economics discussion paper series (2) International Organization of Pension Supervisors Working Paper (1) OECD social, employment and migration working papers (1) El mercado de trabajo en perspectiva europea (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) La recesión de los noventa (1)