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Goodhart, Charles A. E. Schramade, Willem Dijk, Mathijs van Wierts, Peter Gros, Daniel Reinders, Henk Jan Kremers, Jeroen J. M. Oosterloo, Sander Darvas, Zsolt M. Folkerts-Landau, David F. I. Vries, Casper G. de Schramade, Willem Garber, Peter M. Hartmann, Philipp Siegmann, Adriaan Hendrik Tilburg, Rens van Avgouleas, Emilios Haan, Jakob de Reichlin, Lucrezia Véron, Nicolas Efstathiou, Konstantinos Claeys, Gregory Huang, Haizhou Véron, Nicolas Dasgupta, Paolo Dermine, Jean Wagner, Wolf Werkhoven, Dewi Duijm, Patty Oosterloo, Sander Weder, Beatrice Bongaerts, Dion Pisani-Ferry, Jean Bénassy-Quéré, Agnès Kacperczyk, Marcin Leuz, Christian Winter, Jaap Ormazabal, Gaizka Hougaard Jensen, Svend Erik All co-authors financial european value resolution countries union policy cross border supervision companies bankenaufsicht bankenregulierung market global crisis sustainable stability large impact capital paper approach area model finance based central carbon markets corporate new term while long integrated finanzkrise sharing level economy integration framework supervisory economic social international deposit
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Dirk Schoenmaker Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: D. Schoenmaker Source:
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Profession Hochschullehrer Economist
Affiliations Duisenberg School of Finance (Amsterdam) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Brussels European and Global Economic Laboratory Centre for Economic Policy Research Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Publishing years Series Duisenberg School of Finance policy paper series (16) Discussion papers / CEPR (11) Policy contribution (11) Special paper series / London School of Economics and Political Science, Financial Markets Group (10) Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (9) Working paper (6) Special paper (5) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (4) Netspar academic series (3) Discussion paper series / LSE Financial Markets Group (3) DSF Policy Paper (3) Working paper series (3) Financie͏̈le & monetaire studies : fms (2) Duisenberg School of Finance Policy Paper (2) European economy (2) Bruegel policy contribution (2) CEPS research report (2) Bruegel policy brief (2) ESRB: Working Paper Series (2) Springer Texts in Business and Economics (1) Occasional paper / Group of Thirty (1) IMF working paper (1) Netspar industry series (1) Policy insight (1) ESRB: Advisory Scientific Committee Reports 2014/5 (1) IMF working papers (1) Geneva reports on the world economy (1) Working papers / Financial Institutions Center (1) OECD Economics Department working papers (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-54, 1996 (1) Routledge research in finance and banking law (1) Weiss Center working papers (1) Duisenburg School of Finance Policy Paper (1) ERIM report series research in management (1) CEPS working documents (1) CEPS policy briefs (1) Forthcoming in Financial Research Letters (1) Duisenberg school of finance - Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper TI 13-26/IV/DSF 51 (1) Schoenmaker, D. (2020), 'The Impact Economy: Balancing Profit and Impact', Working Paper 2020/04, Bruegel (1) Discussion paper series (1) Reports of the Advisory Scientific Committee (1) A VoxEU.org eBook (1) Monetary dialogue papers (1) ADBI Working Paper (1) The international library of critical writings in economics (1) The international library of critical writings in economics series (1) Working papers / ADB Institute (1) Bruegel blueprint series (1) Topics in corporate finance (1)