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Tafenau, Egle Masso, Jaan Eamets, Raul Tverdostup, Maryna Schlitte, Friso Scannell, Nancy J. Kuusk, Andres Rõõm, Marit Tverdostup, Maryna Poltimäe, Helen Kaska, Mart All co-authors countries regional labour trade baltic european states analysis paper enlargement economic growth
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Tiiu Paas Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: T. Paas T. A. Paas B: 1949 Biblio: Lebenslauf
Affiliations Tartu Ülikool. Majandusteaduskond Valtion Taloudellinen Tutkimuskeskus (Helsinki)
Publishing years Series Working paper series / University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (8) HWWA discussion paper (8) Working paper series (5) Ezoneplus working papers : Ezoneplus research project (4) University of Tartu Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper (2) Norface migration discussion paper (2) The University of Tartu Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper (2) University of Tartu, Working Paper 2018, ISBN: 978-9985-4-1104-9 (1) HWWI research paper ... des HWWI-Kompetenzbereiches Hamburg und regionale Entwicklungen (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) [The (re-)emergence of social insurance funds in the Baltic Area and Central and Eastern Europe] (1) Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli toimetised (1)