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Tavlas, George S. Swamy, Paravastu A. V. B. Papapetrou, Evangelia Hall, Stephen G. Papaoikonomou, Dimitrios Brissimis, Sophocles N. Papazoglu, Chrēstos Lazaretu, Sophia M. Lolos, Sarantis E. G. Vasardani, Melina A. Tsaveas, Nicholas T. Ulan, Michael Kenjegaliev, Amangeldi Kelejian, Harry H. Tsalaporta, Pinelopi Euangelinos, Kōnstantinos Nikolaou, I. E. Sardianou, Eleni Vasardani, Melina Tsaveas, Nicholas T: De Grauwe, Paul Ji, Yuemei Hall, Stephen G. Lazaretou, Sophia Tsaveas, Nicholas Nikou, Vasileios All co-authors greece griechenland account new area euro evidence current structural external time effect money using empirical period card policy countries persistence growth estimation geldpolitik schätzung revenue sustainability exchange demand relationship eurozone payments varying inflation periods economic panel model monetary changes fiscal coefficient change approach data analysis rate run paper technique regimes financial results geldnachfrage tax determinants greek case modelling schock shock wirtschaftswachstum
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George B. Hondroyiannis Alternative spellings: G. Hondroyiannis George Hondroyiannis Biblio: Harokopio Univ., Athens, Greece ; Economic Research Div., Bank of Greece, Athens, Greece
Publishing years Series Bank of Greece Working Paper (10) Working Paper / Bank of Greece (7) Discussion papers / University of Leicester, Department of Economics (7) Working paper / Bank of Greece (2) ECB Working Paper (1) Working paper series / European Central Bank (1) Working paper series / European Central Bank ; Eurosystem (1) Credit risk: measurement, management, pricing, and regulation (1)