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Frege, Carola M. Lin, Zhaohong Trenberth, Linda Hamann, Kerstin Gall, Gregor Holgate, Jane Hodder, Andy Williams, Mark McCarthy, Nick McGovern, Patrick Badigannavar, Vidu Willman, Paul Heery, Edmund Clegg, Chris W. All co-authors relations employment comparative work arbeitsbeziehungen social gewerkschaft industrial union gewerkschaftsbewegung trade pacts introduction economy global john british ethical references gewerkschaftspolitik perspective flanders job challenges labour arbeitsrecht gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft kelly political allan notes market regulation quality migration politics mitbestimmung codetermination globalisierung rethinking action collective cold
Composed terms employment relations trade union trade union movement comparative employment social pacts ethical socialism union behaviour union membership relations reform comparative perspective labour law john kelly allan flanders british industrial relations introduction job quality relations global global economy economy comparative rethinking industrial political economy union revitalization trade unions flanders british social democracy notes references globalization employment labour standards quality work multiple equalities work employment carola frege employment protection employers organization social partners human resource management multinationales unternehmen transnational corporation industrial relations british trade trade unionism richard hyman socialism trade unions allan reform social introduction global global challenges challenges work theoretical perspectives perspectives comparative relations challenges challenges comparative conclusion notes work intensity intensity working working time experience work inequalities employment labour migration labour market employment practices practices comparative john godard democratic politics socialism cold collective bargaining industrial action income distribution social justice economic liberalism betriebliche sozialleistungen employee benefits economic history issue john
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
John E. Kelly Alternative spellings: John Kelly John Edward Kelly John,1952 Mar. 5-Kelly B: 1952 Biblio: 2. Vorname evtl. Edwards
Profession Economist Betriebswirt Hochschullehrer
Affiliations London School of Economics and Political Science Birkbeck College
Publishing years Series Routledge research in employment relations (2) Economic and industrial democracy : EID ; an international journal (1) Routledge research in comparative politics (1) The future of trade unions in Britain (1) Routledge studies in employment relations (1) Cambridge studies in management (1) Social analysis (1)