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Marchetti, Enrico Giuli, Francesco Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni Giuli, Francesco Patella, Valeria Tancioni, Massimiliano Archibugi, Daniele Acocella, Nicola De Vincenti, Claudio Violati, Flaminia Pizzetti, Bernardo Maré, Mauro Papa, Stefano Park, Man-seop Saltari, Enrico Franzini, Maurizio Almonti, Ludovica Socci, Claudio Deriu, Stefano Beqiraj, Elton Gnesutta, Claudio All co-authors geldpolitik welfare del wirkungsanalyse italien italy monetary policy covid policies verhaltensökonomik spieltheorie verteilungstheorie
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Giuseppe Ciccarone Alternative spellings: G. Ciccarone Biblio: Tätig am Dipart. di Economia Pubblica, Univ. "La Sapienza", Roma
Publishing years Series Working papers (2) Working paper : economia pubblica : public economics (1) Liberetà (1) Università Laterza (1) Studi superiori NIS (1)