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Clark, Christopher David English, Burton C. Lambert, Dayton M. DeLong, Karen L. Li, Xiaogu Griffith, Andrew P. Yu, T. Edward Yenerall, Jackie Yen, Steven T. Torre Ugarte, Daniel G. de la Hughes, David W. Menard, R. Jamey Walsh, Marie E. Hellwinckel, Chad Chen, Xuqi Davis, George C. Menard, Jamey Tong, Tingting Bazen, Ernie Ward, David O. Davis, James A. Skahan, Denise K. Larson, James Alan Holt, Caroline Roberts, Roland K. Brandt, Craig Clark, Christopher Jakus, Paul M. Cho, Seong-hoon Velandia, Margarita Ray, Billie McLeod, Elizabeth Hughes, David Burns, Sara All co-authors konsumentenverhalten zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse willingness pay beef experiment rindfleisch impacts tennessee analysis economic estimation producers cattle energy agricultural konsumentenpräferenzen wirkungsanalyse schätzung biokraftstoff biofuel used milk attributes covid restaurant certified state branded program consequentiality prescribed grazing practices local
Composed terms willingness to pay consumer behaviour willingness pay consumer preferences consumer willingness impact assessment producers willingness prescribed grazing beef cattle cattle producers local beef energy conversion agricultural impacts choice experiment cattle farming cattle market pastoral farming climate protection preferences foods foods varying varying best best used used dates dates experimental experimental auction auction sensory sensory evaluation evaluation analysis analysis effects effects inattention inattention repeat repeat purchases purchases choice choice based based conjoint conjoint study study consumer preferences farmstead farmstead milk milk attributes attributes consumers consumers online online shopping shopping behaviors behaviors intentions intentions covid covid pandemic pandemic economic economic impacts impacts farm farm highly
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Kimberly L. Jensen Prof. Alternative spellings: Kim L. Jensen Kimberly Jensen Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville