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Monroe, Hunter K. Iakova, Dora Feldman, Robert A. Üçer, Murat Bassett, Sheila Casas, Miguel de las Monasterski, Chris Pedraglio, Roxana Reichmann, Thomas Druck, Pablo Mwase, Nkunde Sun, Yan Drummond, Paulo Vocke, Matthias All co-authors financial ppp sector macroeconomic growth statistical appendix republic central supporting sustainable gdp fund economic rates finanzsektor wirtschaftsstatistik european economies challenges stability ieo report use operational purposes performance issues conversion world evolution data team review adjusted estimation potential policy selected slovenia paper development czech poland exchange used indices based estimates ostmitteleuropa finanzsystem nationaleinkommen index kaufkraftparität finanzmarkt wirtschaftswachstum osteuropa wirtschaftslage slowenien scenes imf evaluation prepared led nancy wagner included miguel
Composed terms statistical appendix financial sector eu membership eu mitgliedschaft economic statistics central european supporting macroeconomic macroeconomic stability stability sustainable sustainable growth fund operational operational purposes republic slovenia sector evolution evolution central european economies economies challenges challenges supporting ieo team appendix review review ppp ppp adjusted adjusted gdp gdp estimation estimation potential potential use use fund sector macroeconomic macroeconomic policy policy performance selected issues slovenia statistical czech republic republic hungary hungary poland exchange rates ppp rates ppp indices ppp based based estimates estimates gdp economic growth central eastern europe financial system national income index number purchasing power parity financial market eastern europe macroeconomic performance growth scenes scenes data data imf imf ieo ieo evaluation evaluation report report prepared prepared ieo team led led nancy nancy wagner wagner ieo team included included miguel miguel las las casas casas chris chris monasterski monasterski roxana roxana pedraglio pedraglio thomas thomas reichmann reichmann grenada grenada statistical st kitts kitts nevis nevis statistical performance finland paper takes takes stock development financial transition economies leading eu eu accession
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Nancy Wagner Biblio: Tätig beim Internat. Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, DC, USA; Tätig beim Europ. Univ. Inst. (EUI), Florence, Italy
Publishing years Series IMF country report (4) IMF working paper (2) IMF staff country report (2) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-69, 2001 (1) Evaluation report (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-32, 1995 (1)