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Scarpa, Riccardo Chilton, Susan M. Campbell, Danny Carson, Katherine Silz Matthews, David I. Campbell, Danny Genius, Margarita Strazzera, Elisabetta Longo, Alberto Burton, Anthony C. Aravena, Claudia Carlsson, Frederik Bateman, Ian Boeri, Marco Nayga, Rodolfo M. <Jr.> Cerroni, Simone Burgess, Diane Matthews, D. I. McCallum, Chloe S. Papadas, Christos T. Buongiorno, Joseph Scarpa, R. Buongiorno, Joseph Aravena, Claudia Chilton, S. M. Champ, Patricia A. Bishop, Richard C. Brown, Thomas C. Aravena, Claudia D. Boeri, M. Kee, Frank Grisolía, José M. Doherty, Edel Longo, A. Tagliafierro, C. Patton, Myles Donnellan, Trevor Davis, John Adenuga, Adewale Henry Higgins, Kieran Derbyshire, Daniel W. Derbyshire, Daniel McCollum, Daniel W. All co-authors zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse choice estimates discrete experiment valuation
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
W. George Hutchinson Dr. Alternative spellings: W. G. Hutchinson George Hutchinson George W. Hutchinson
Affiliations The Gibson Institute (Belfast) Institute for Global Food Security (Belfast) Gibson Institute for Land, Food and Environment (Belfast) Queen's University Belfast
Publishing years Series Working paper in economics (3) FEEM Working Paper (2) Working paper (2) Nota di lavoro / Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2) Working papers in economics (1) Our environmental decision making (EDM) working paper series / CSERGE (1)