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Exel, Job van Attema, Arthur E. Himmler, Sebastian Reckers-Droog, Vivian L'Haridon, Olivier Neumann-Böhme, Sebastian Baal, Pieter H. M. van Rutten, F. F. H. Krol, Marieke Barros, Pedro Pita Bobinac, Ana Dijk, J. J. van Kaló, Zoltán Drummond, Michael F. Perry-Duxbury, Meg Lipman, Stefan A. Wetering, E. J. van de Torbica, Aleksandra Stargardt, Tom Schreyögg, Jonas Sabat, Iryna Rappange, David R. Exel, Job van Tsuchiya, Aki Meltzer, David Morton, Alec Exel, N. Job A. van Baal, Pieter van Varghese, Nirosha Elsem Stöckel, Jannis Claxton, Karl Brazier, John Pinto Prades, José Luis Federici, Carlo Ciani, Oriana Hakkaart- van Roijen, Leona Baker, Rachel Stolk, E. A. Hoefman, Renske Pintod, Jose Luis Gyrd Hansen, Dorte Mason, Helen Pennington, Mark Oppe, Mark Gheorghe, Maria Tilling, Carl Varkevisser, Marco Thomson, Sarah Tan, Siok Swan Papenburg, Jocé Coast, Joanna Hannigan, Laurie Versteegh, Matthijs M. Baal, Pieter H. M. van Stolk, Elly A. Koopmanschap, Marcus A. Koopmanschap, M. A. Berg, B. van den Koolman, Xander Nooten, F. E. van Schut, Frederik T. Holland, J. Caro, J. Jaime Berg, Bernard van den Trotter, Caroline Tilford, J. Mick Culyer, Anthony J. Al-Janabi, Hareth Exel, Job All co-authors gesundheitsökonomik life health gesundheit value zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse monetary tto lebensqualität economic preference quality netherlands gains approach aversion method mortality niederlande sterblichkeit experiment willingness pay elicitation using gesundheitskosten präferenztheorie future test decision care discounting paper entscheidung cost preferences making satisfaction valuation societal different correction market gesundheitswesen zufriedenheit diskontierung evaluations scores evidence medical weighting domain reversals empirical estimating based results new factors prospect tasks state losses infektionskrankheit gesundheitsversorgung risikoaversion research effectiveness exploring covid outcomes infectious age adjusted years effect qaly study subjective expectancy deriving aer utility values preferred internal consistency validity efficient coronavirus gesundheitsvorsorge nutzen
Composed terms health economics willingness to pay quality of life cost effectiveness analysis kosten nutzen analyse cost benefit analysis prospect theory kosten wirksamkeits analyse monetary value health care costs theory of preferences willingness pay quality life loss aversion time discounting economic evaluation health care system eu staaten eu countries infectious disease decision making value qaly health care health state risk aversion cost effectiveness quality adjusted adjusted life life years correction factors consistency choice matching tasks tto scores preventive care offenbarte präferenzen revealed preferences family care discrete choice health gains early warning warning infectious coverage evidence evidence development value health estimating monetary subjective life life expectancy time trade qaly loss health states health domain preferred preference elicitation method test internal choice matching contingent valuation inequity aversion discrete choice experiment diskrete entscheidung health policy early warning system qaly model expectation formation spillovers economic covid pandemic choice experiment medical devices devices europe development schemes pay early qaly based life year applying valuation estimating sign effectiveness analysis loss qaly exploring new new method tto tariffs right arm utility life utility of life duration index asc asc asi tool late years did
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Werner B. F. Brouwer Prof. Alternative spellings: W. B. F. Brouwer Wubbe Berend Frederik Brouwer W. B. Brouwer Werner Brouwer B: 1972 Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus Univ. Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Publishing years Series SOEP papers on multidisciplinary panel data research / German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), DIW Berlin (1) Discussion paper series / Institute for Economic Research, Erasmus University Rotterdam (1)