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Sola, Sergio Forni, Lorenzo Richmond, Christine Amaglobeli, David End, Nicolas Jarmuzek, Mariusz Pereira, Joana Vodopivec, Milan Thacker, Nita Sayek, Selin Dunn, David G. Caramazza, Francesco Mati, Amine Bhundia, Ashok J. Khatri, Yougesh J. G. Krajnyák, Kornélia Menkulasi, Jeta Jenkner, Eva Gasha, Jose Giancarlo Magnusson, Kristin Tiffin, Andrew Segal, Stephanie Ralyea, John Harris, Jason Mitchell, Wayne All co-authors growth capital fiscal debt economic effect taxation sub paper governments national income firm corporate risk banking costs markets tax rate restructurings countries restructuring government premia time investment examines crises central country taxes education increase wirtschaftswachstum sovereign higher using data public financing imperfect shows policy final associated market pricing direct international allocation systemic open economies better reduce necessarily finanzpolitik kapitalertragsteuer kapitalmobilität finance matter factors external private period bad exit years secondary larger effective implicit guarantees transfer dependency immediate intervention overall crisis sectors attract performance access albanian intertemporal behavior faces optimizing goes different phases dynamic setting profits varies profit initially reduces reversed adjusts new good lower finds primary funding non use quality spending reductions foreign foster overlapping generations model endogenous internationally mobile domestic affect effects existing investitionsentscheidung körperschaftsteuer zins equity declines allow did
Composed terms sub national fiscal costs national governments capital income income taxation paper examines banking crises economic growth capital markets sovereign debt effect corporate tax rate final restructurings public debt central government international allocation allocation capital Öffentliche schulden restructuring growth systemic banking taxation economic growth open open economies growth paper fiscal policy offene volkswirtschaft open economy capital income tax endogenes wachstumsmodell endogenous growth model capital mobility firm investment investment corporate finance taxation risk factors debt restructurings countries exit market data pricing risk premia sub transfer dependency direct fiscal overall fiscal costs banking country increase debt restructuring premia fiscal fiscal performance costs systemic examines intertemporal intertemporal effect corporate income taxation investment investment behavior behavior firm firm faces faces imperfect imperfect capital markets shows shows capital markets imperfect imperfect optimizing optimizing firm firm goes goes different different phases phases growth growth dynamic dynamic setting setting effect corporate tax tax profits profits varies varies time time increase increase corporate corporate profit profit tax rate initially reduces investment effect reversed time firm firm adjusts policy new new tax taxes attract costs risk
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Geremia Palomba Alternative spellings: G. Palomba
Affiliations Internationaler Währungsfonds. Fiscal Affairs Department Darwin College
Publishing years Series IMF Working Paper (5) IMF working papers (5) IMF country report (4) IMF working paper (2) World Bank Technical Paper (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-29, 2004 (1) World Bank technical paper (1) Saggi di economia (1) DAE working paper (1)