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Richards, Timothy J. Sunding, David L. Requate, Tilman Innes, Robert D. Stiegert, Kyle W. Zilberman, David Allender, William J. Sandin, Rickard Liaukonyte, Jura Yonezawa, Koichi Cassou, Steven Peter Patterson, Paul M. Gerking, Shelby Shafran, Aric Ligon, Ethan Empen, Janine Lowrey, John D. Lepore, Jason J. Bontems, Philipe Kastens, Terry L. Duval, Yann Gutiérrez, María José Gorostiaga, Arantza Roe, Brian Cole, Matthew T. Doremus, Jacqueline M. Bonroy, Olivier Shafran, Aric P. Sproul, Thomas W. Vasilaky, Kathryn N. Stifter, Ryan Kovach, Marty Rausser, Gordon C. Empen, Janine Ajami, Newsha K. Lowrey, John Allender, William Rabinovich, Elliot Gómez, Miguel I. Garapin, Alexis Réquillart, Vincent Monteiro, Diogo M. Souza Kjorlien, Scott All co-authors environmental oligopoly oligopol vertical lebensmitteleinzelhandel retail einzelhandel markets strategic einzelhandelspreis konsumentenverhalten structure lieferantenmanagement preismanagement lebensmittelhandel food retailers product international umweltpolitik lebensmittel optimal marktmacht ernährungsindustrie production model lebensmittelpreis abfallvermeidung farm donations power supermarket slotting used tax welfare asymmetric implications paper relationships tradables produktdifferenzierung spatial processing impact banks management retailing quantity effects quality rivalry search case input comparison subsidies symmetric costs effect competitive lebensmittelmarkt preisdifferenzierung
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Stephen F. Hamilton Alternative spellings: Stephen Hamilton S. F. Hamilton Stephan F. Hamilton Biblio: Dep. of Economics, Calif. Polytechnic State Univ., San Luis Obispo, Calif., USA ; Dep. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Univ. of California at Berkeley, USA ; Kansas State Univ. ; Univ. of Arizona ; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
Publishing years Series CUDARE working paper series (2) CUDARE working papers (1) IDEI working papers (1) CESifo working papers (1) CESifo working papers : the international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University's Center for Economic Studies and the Ifo Institute (1) Discussion paper series / Department of Economics (1) Working paper series in economics and finance (1)