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Martin, Philip L. Abella, Manolo I. Charest, Éric Tejada, Gabriela Bhattacharya, Uttam Kumar Khadria, Binod Pang, Eng Fong Hoskins, Dalmer D. Dobbernack, Donate Ōishi, Nana All co-authors arbeitsmigranten labour workers countries managing migrant merchants labor century global employment migrants international arbeitsmarkt migrationspolitik sozialstandards skilled developing book guest market migration
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Christiane Kuptsch Alternative spellings: C. Kuptsch B: 1964 Biblio: Tätig beim International Labour Office (ILO); Tätig bei der International Social Security Association
Publishing years Series Global management series (2) Dynamics of Asian development (1) International social security series (1) International migration papers (1)