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Kenney, Genevieve Mary Kaestner, Robert Miller, G. Edward Vistnes, Jessica Primoff Buettgens, Matthew Norton, Stephen A. Guyer, Jocelyn Mann, Cindy Odeh, Michael Sommers, Anna Zuckerman, Stephen Hadley, Jack Reschovsky, James D. Blumberg, Linda J. Waidmann, Timothy Moon, Marilyn Lee All co-authors care medicaid children kinder managed insurance mmc prenatal private cesarean section birth sozialleistungsempfänger versicherungsschutz infant evaluation coverage expansions krankenversicherung national costs employer sponsored plans schip results use low did pregnant women small utilization effect weight associated significant incidence causal gesundheitskosten mütter mothers health estimating covering dependents availability marginal dependent year anniversary looking moving forward substitution states premiums near poor access income who fares best displace analysis using sipp impact malpractice fears rates crowd estimate finds trade crowding public infants easing hospitals uncompensated burdens study examine effects obtain separate estimates primary case management pccm programs
Composed terms gesetzliche krankenversicherung public health insurance prenatal care medicaid managed insurance coverage cesarean section welfare recipients private krankenversicherung private health insurance infant health health insurance medicaid expansions care infant health national national evaluation employer sponsored insurance medicaid private coverage did medicaid private insurance expansions pregnant pregnant women care mmc care utilization birth weight mmc associated health care costs betriebliche sozialleistungen employee benefits managed care evaluation estimating estimating costs costs covering covering dependents dependents employer sponsored plans plans availability availability marginal marginal costs costs dependent dependent employer sponsored health evaluation medicaid medicaid year year anniversary anniversary schip schip looking looking moving moving forward forward substitution substitution schip schip private coverage results results evaluation evaluation states states insurance insurance premiums premiums insurance coverage near near poor poor children children health health care care access access use use low low income income children children who who fares fares best best did expansions children children displace displace private insurance analysis analysis using using sipp sipp impact impact malpractice malpractice fears fears cesarean section rates rates did crowd private estimate finds crowding public
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Lisa C. Dubay Prof. Alternative spellings: Lisa Dubay Biblio: Tätig an der Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md., USA; Tätig am Urban Inst., Washington, DC, USA
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (1) Working papers / U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1)