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GND: 171492706

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Years of publications: 1994 - 2024

16 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Nachhaltiges Europa: Die EZB als Kardinalfehler? : Fachtagung am 29. Oktober 2019 an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt : Tagungsbericht

Bergius, Susanne; Villhauer, Bernd; Bolsinger, Harald; Hoffmann, Johannes;
Type: Konferenzschrift; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link Link

2. The European Central Bank as a sustainability role model : philosophical, ethical and economic perspectives


This book examines selected actions and investments of the European Central Bank (ECB) from a climate and sustainability standpoint. Shedding new light on the topic from various angles - ethical, philosophical, political, economical and legal - it situates sustainability mainstreaming in the finance and investment field at all levels. The former ECB President Mario Draghi once said that he considered sustainable development and an intact environment to be human rights, and therefore enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The acting ECB President Christine Lagarde added that the future path for the climate is uncertain, but it would remain within our power to influence it. However, with all that in mind the ECB’s policy of buying assets as securities is often questionable. This volume analyzes these actions in connection with sustainability, and puts forward practical recommendations for improving the ECB’s investment strategy on its way creating a sustainable financial market.

Bolsinger, Harald; Hoffmann, Johannes; Villhauer, Bernd;
Type: Konferenzschrift;
Availability: Link

3. Führen durch Dienen : Perspektiven, Reflexionen und Erfahrungen zur Praxis von Servant Leadership

Arens, Hans Jürgen; Vom Ende, Michael; Bolsinger, Harald; Dienberg, Thomas;
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge ; Einzelbeiträge; Sammelwerk ;

4. The European Central Bank as a Sustainability Role Model : Philosophical, Ethical and Economic Perspectives


Where do we stand when it comes to Sustainable Financial Markets? -- Ethical Standards beyond Monetary Policy: Approaches to a Philosophical Foundation -- Fundamental rights in the core business of the ECB: No issue?! Experience with the EU petition 429/2017 -- On the role of the ECB in sustainable finance -- Legal approaches to encouraging the ECB to comply with human rights aspects when establishing the list of marketable assets -- Central Banks in Europe: On the Road to more Sustainability.

Bolsinger, Harald; Hoffmann, Johannes; Villhauer, Bernd;
Type: Konferenzschrift;
Availability: Link

5. The European Central Bank and Its Role in a Sustainable Finance System


Chapter 1. From Climate Finance to “climate Finance Society” to a Culture of Sus-tainability. Changing Perspectives on the ECB’s New Strategy -- Chapter 2. Sustainable Finance: What has Happened – What Needs to Happen? -- Chapter 3. The New Sustainability Strategy of the ECB -- Chapter 4. Independently Green? An Integrated Strategy for a Transformative ECB -- Chapter 5. Credibility in the Financial Market – a Practical Perspective -- Chapter 6. Fundamental Rights in the Core Business of the ECB – Still No Issue -- Chapter 7. The Club of Rome, the Global Perspective -- Chapter 8. What to Do with Modern Money Theory (MMT)? -- Chapter 9. The Role of the EU Taxonomy.

Bolsinger, Harald; Hoffmann, Johannes; Villhauer, Bernd;
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge ; Einzelbeiträge; Sammelwerk ;
Availability: Link

6. From "climate finance" to "climate finance society" to a culture of sustainability : changing perspectives on the ECB's new strategy

Bolsinger, Harald; Klüh, Ulrich;
Type: Aufsatz im Buch; Book section;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

7. Fundamental rights in the core business of the ECB : still no issue

Bolsinger, Harald;
Type: Aufsatz im Buch; Book section;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

8. Sinnzentriertes Wertemanagement : Wertegrundlagen für nachhaltiges Management

Bolsinger, Harald;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

9. Managing international political risk : arising challenges for multinationals in a changing world : conference proceedings, Würzburg International Business Forum International Business Conference 2018, Würzburg, 24 - 25 May 2018

Akcaoglu, Emin; Bolsinger, Harald; Wehner, Rainer;
Type: Konferenzschrift;
Availability: Link Link Link

10. Fundamental rights in the core business of the ECB: no issue?! : experience with the EU petition 429/2017


Petition 0429/2017 has been brought forward by Prof. Harald Bolsinger. In this article he describes backgrounds and developments around the petition. The petition, submitted on May the 8th 2017, addressed the investments policy of the ECB. Compliance with EU Fundamental Rights, it claimed, should be specifically included into the eligibility for EU owned assets. As Bolsinger explains, at the moment the ECB is involved in violations of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union through possession and trading of unethical securities.

Bolsinger, Harald;
Type: Aufsatz im Buch; Book section; Konferenzbeitrag; Conference paper;
Availability: Link
Citations: 1 (based on OpenCitations)

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Julian Morgan

Alternative spellings:
J. Morgan

Biblio: Tätig am National Inst. of Economic and Social Research, London (1995); Tätig an der Europ. Zentralbank, Frankfurt/M.

External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. Occasional paper series / European Central Bank (3)
    2. Working paper series / European Central Bank ; Eurosystem (3)
    3. Working paper series / European Central Bank (3)
    4. ECB Occasional Paper (1)
    5. Occasional paper series / European Central Bank ; Eurosystem (1)
    6. Documentos de trabajo / Banco de España, Servicio de Estudios (1)
    7. Temi di discussione del Servizio Studi / Banca d'Italia (1)
    8. Research studies / Department for Education and Employment (1)
    9. EUI working paper / RSC (1)
    10. Working paper (1)
    11. Discussion paper / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (1)