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Padilla, Atilano Jorge Layne-Farrar, Anne Esty, Daniel C. Edelman, Benjamin Katsifis, Dimitrios Cameron, James Demaret, Paul Elhauge, Einer Damme, Eric E. C. van Layne-Farrar, Anna Filistrucchi, Lapo Kerf, Michel Petit, Nicolas Reysen, Marc Henry, David Affeldt, Pauline Malamataris, Christos Sidak, J. Gregory Luff, David Petit, Nicolas Humpe, Christophe Sidak, J. Gregory Villano, Emilio Denicolò, Vincenzo All co-authors law european market postal rebates content paper wettbewerbsrecht anti case new service practices industries markets regulatory approach ante commission operators regulation trade rules paes mps premium kartellrecht wettbewerbspolitik regulierung based economic global sector rights immaterialgüterrechte suit injunctions patent licensing analysis mediterranean framework sided standard deregulation media liberalization specific lessons states union authorities create generally particular mobilkommunikation lizenz licence deregulierung where
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Damien Geradin Prof. Dr. B: 1966 Biblio: Tätig an Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC); Tätig an: Univ. of Liege and Prof. of Law at the College of Europe, Bruges; Tätig an: Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research and the Univ. of Lìege
Profession Jurist
Affiliations Tilburg Law and Economics Center EDGE Legal University College London
Publishing years Series European monographs : EM (3) TILEC Discussion Paper (3) CEMFI working paper (2) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) World Bank working paper (2) Working papers / Harvard Business School, Division of Research (1) George Mason Law & Economics Research Paper (1) World Bank Working Paper (1) University casebook series (1) International economic law series (1) Cambridge studies in international and comparative law (1)