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Sturla Zerené, Gino Viccaro, Mauro Stefani, Gianluca Severini, Simone Romano, Donato Giampaolo, Sabina Distefano, Tiziano Sadiddin, Ahmad Stefani, Gianluca Catullo, Giovanna Romano, Severino Allanson, Paul Landi, Chiara Lombardi, Ginevra Virginia Hamza, Raid Cavicchi, Alessio Cavalletti, Barbara Romano, Donato Ticci, Elisa Corsini, Lorenzo Randelli, Filippo Porcherot, Raphael Iannucci, Gianluca Antoci, Angelo Ciulla, Lorenzo Gorgitano, Maria Teresa Gatto, Paola Cavicchi, Alessio Belliggiano, Angelo Franco, Silvio Gambelli, Danilo Torquati, Bianca Maria Meloni, Cesare Marino, Maria Dini, Mario All co-authors economic model analysis resources support agricultural input output italy demand wasserversorgung italien hydro pressure water regional wasser assess literature rural tuscany policy agriculture teaching farm income
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Benedetto Rocchi Dr. Alternative spellings: B. Rocchi Biblio: Tätig am Dipart. Economico Estimativo Agrario e Forestale, Univ. Firenze
Profession Forstwissenschaftler
Publishing years Series Working papers : working paper (5) Dundee discussion papers in economics (1) Collana di economia / 5 (1) IRPET / Istituto Regionale per la Programmazione Economica della Toscana (1)