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Norde, Henk Borm, Peter Nouweland, Anne van den Özen, Ulaş Klijn, Flip Hamers, Herbert Tijs, Stef Houtum, Geert-Jan van Hezarkhani, Behzad Lohmann, Edwin Brink, René van den Karsten, Frank Ozen, Ulas Van Woensel, Tom Schlicher, Loe Fransoo, Jan Sošić, Greys Nouweland, Anne Tijs, Stef H. Őzen, Ulaş Gilles, Robert P. Norde, Henk Gilles, Robert Paul Montrucchio, Luigi Levínský, René Velzen, Bas van Çiftçi, Bario̧ Scarsini, Marco Hendrickx, Ruud L. P. Erkip, Nesim Özen, Ulas̜ Çiftçi, Barış Hezarkhani, Bezad Fransoo, Jan C. Martínez, Ricardo Thonemann, Ulrich Scheele, Lisa M. Braat, Jac Fransoo, Jan C. Bouchery, Yann Jaarsveld, Willem van Schlicher, Leo Sosic, Greys Stach, Izabella Zarzuelo, José M. All co-authors games spieltheorie situations game cooperation formation players rules study retailers core scheme allocation value convex link structure allokation demand sharing sequencing
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Marco Slikker Dr. Alternative spellings: M. Slikker
Affiliations Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Center for Economic Research (Tilburg)
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (18) CentER Discussion Paper Series (2) Annals of operations research (1) Operations Research Letters (1) CentER Discussion Paper (1) Barcelona GSE working paper series : working paper (1) Working papers / Department of Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1) Theory and decision library / C : TDL (1) Theory and Decision Library, Series C: Game Theory, Mathematical Programming and Operations Research (1) Research memoranda / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tilburg University (1)