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Wang, Hua Li, Honglin Eskeland, Gunnar S. Shah, Jitendra J. Capannelli, Elisabetta Li, Honglin Liebenthal, Andres Warford, Jeremy J. Dixon, John Alexander Wang, Manchuan Saltzman, Sidney All co-authors water policy global surveys study polluting motorcycles locally willingness chongqing demand households quality pay information survey domestic china globally programs compensation zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse pricing acceptability environment prices use service public contingent valuation thinking control conducted charges authors local analysis paper instruments design using while transport emission
Composed terms willingness pay domestic water willingness to pay water pricing household surveys chongqing china polluting motorcycles contingent valuation thinking locally nachhaltige mobilität sustainable mobility pricing household surveys study study acceptability acceptability willingness pay chongqing motorcycles bangkok control programs water prices water service service quality water price air quality global local global environment paper presents multiple bounded bounded discrete phasing polluting bangkok policy policy design design using using contingent valuation surveys acting globally globally while while thinking locally global environment protected protected transport transport emission emission control polluting vehicles motorcycle owners wtp wta locally motivated
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jian Xie Alternative spellings: Xie Jian Jian Xie B: 1962 Biblio: Tätig beim Environment Dep., The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA
Publishing years Series Policy research working paper : WPS (3) Policy Research Working Paper (2) Policy research working paper (2) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1)