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Sunder, Shyam Huber, Jürgen Stöckl, Thomas Kusakawa, Takao Saijō, Tatsuyoshi Tanigawa, Yasuhiko Stöckl, Thomas Kawamura, Kohei Kubo, Katsuyuki Miyajima, Hideaki Hong, Paul Park, Young Won Tsutsui, Yoshirō Fukuda, Atsuo All co-authors price investors prices corporate backward induction stock dividends short laboratory markets horizons dividend anchors firm horizon sessions where levels börsenkurs experiment evidence governance society japan financial shareholder risk exit important long market finanzmarkt indeterminacy study finance capitalism bubbles sans managerial control value experimentally explore investor decision influence formation collect till maturity converge fundamental derived receiving paths indeterminate lose tend form expectations future forward results suggest consequent difficulty contributors emergence mechanism restructuring
Composed terms backward induction dividend anchors horizon sessions sessions where where investors corporate governance share price evidence laboratory stock prices stakeholder society overlapping generations financial market price indeterminacy indeterminacy financial financial markets markets corporate bubbles sans sans dividend anchors evidence laboratory stock stock markets society ch experimentally explore explore investor investor decision decision horizons horizons influence influence formation formation stock prices long long horizon investors collect collect dividends dividends till till maturity maturity prices prices converge converge fundamental fundamental levels levels derived derived dividends dividends backward induction short short horizon investors exit exit market market receiving receiving price price dividends levels paths paths indeterminate indeterminate lose lose dividend anchors investors investors tend tend form form expectations expectations future future prices prices forward forward backward induction laboratory laboratory results results suggest suggest investors investors short short horizons horizons consequent difficulty backward important contributors money supply inside firm stock price supply price firm price japan free rider problem risk test test risk risk cost japan ch ch strong
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Shin'ichi Hirota Alternative spellings: Shinichi Hirota Biblio: Tätig an der Setsunan Univ., Osaka, Japan; Tätig an der Waseda Univ., Tokyo, Japan
Publishing years Series Cowles Foundation discussion paper (2) Discussion paper / Institute of Social and Economic Research (2) Yale ICF Working Paper (1) Discussion papers / Institute of Social and Economic Research (1)