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Feriozzi, Fabio Lorenzoni, Guido Lóránth, Gyöngyi Pelizzon, Loriana Dieler, Tobias Calzolari, Giacomo Ornaghi, Carmine Navarro, Noemí Wagner, Wolf Biswas, Sonny Biswas, Swarnava Eboli, Mario Brusco, Sandro Modigliani, Franco Baldassarri, Mario All co-authors financial banks integration interbank liquidity capital risk interbankenmarkt liquidität geldmarkt asset coinsurance bank decentralized finanzkrise bankenliquidität crises optimal fragile model market depositors sufficiently bankruptcy eigenkapital trade real transaction tax networks evidence ftt liquid markets probability marktintegration wirkungsanalyse wohlfahrtsanalyse investment tilting growth spanish manufacturing firms total factor productivity lending rates contagion study information firm invest effects helps banking different shocks world hold welfare ante second participating undiversi fiable characterized shareholders connected gamble solution efficient structure analyze low hand finanztransaktionssteuer tobinsteuer finanzmarkt investition kapitalanlage anlageverhalten unternehmensnetzwerk produktivität industrie spanien spain ansteckungseffekt flows deteminants tfp intermediation determinants efficiency bilateral insurance turning bagehot head penalty insolvent role central moral hazard miracolo possibile programma economia italiana impact combines informed trader holds value price infer tilt hit hits rate results where point
Composed terms financial integration interbank market financial network money market bank liquidity liquidity risk financial crisis moral hazard internationaler finanzmarkt international financial market equity capital asset trade trade real financial transaction transaction tax integration liquidity liquidity crises liquidity coinsurance coinsurance bank fragile financial probability bankruptcy bankruptcy sufficiently market integration impact assessment welfare analysis investment tilting tilting financial crises financial bank capital growth evidence evidence spanish spanish manufacturing manufacturing firms optimal fragile financial networks financial contagion financial market ex ante interbank markets undiversi fiable fiable liquidity network characterized depositors banks banks shareholders banks connected connected network sufficiently low decentralized financial hand probability decentralized network financial transactions tax tobin tax financial investment portfolio management portfolio selection behavioural finance betriebliche liquidität corporate liquidity business network technischer fortschritt 1990 2006 contagion effect lender of last resort tax asset tax financial crises liquidity liquidity flows interbank networks deteminants tfp tfp growth firms optimal networks liquidity financial intermediation total factor head lending penalty rates banks insolvent insolvent financial contagion role central bank coinsurance moral hazard financial tax ftt ftt model firm firm banks hit
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Fabio Castiglionesi Dr. B: 1970 Roma Biblio: Tätig an der Tilburg Univ., Tilburg, NL; Tätig an der Univ. "La Sapienza", Roma
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) NBER Working Paper (1) SAFE working paper (1) Discussion papers in economics and econometrics (1) Discussion paper / Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Saggi tascabili Laterza : STL (1)