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Kan, Raymond Wang, Xiaolu Martellosio, Federico Forchini, Giovanni O'Brien, Raymond J. VanGarderen, Kees Jan Giersbergen, Noud P. A. van Bech, Katarzyna Armstrong, Mark Armstrong, Mark Giles, David E. A. All co-authors properties quadratic functions order schätztheorie moments distribution applications polynomials test paper exact noncentral forms spatial likelihood short recursions normal tests matrix generating matrices invariant regression model recursion wishart estimator models conditional results hillier simple testing vectors ratio power zonal form inverse autoregressive instruments maximum inference efficient variables approach result class cumulants work number
Composed terms estimation theory quadratic forms generating functions invariant polynomials short recursions forms noncentral noncentral normal normal vectors order zonal maximum likelihood estimation maximum likelihood likelihood estimator likelihood ratio zonal polynomials hillier kan kan wang statistische verteilung statistical distribution maximum likelihood schätzung regression analysis quadratic form inverse noncentral noncentral wishart functions short recursions applications applications moments moments quadratic spatial autoregressive order invariant conditional likelihood spatial design design matrices instrumental variables symmetric functions iv schätzung moments wishart discrete regressors regressors instruments group interaction applications generating computationally efficient efficient recursions recursions order polynomials applications ratio test exact properties structural equations paper shows length recursion short recursion spatial autoregression räumliche interaktion spatial interaction regional economics improved tests approximation distribution properties inverse matrix moments autoregressive parameter testing exogeneity properties maximum autoregressive models
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Grant H. Hillier Prof. Alternative spellings: Grant Hillier Biblio: Tätig am CeMMAP; Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Southampton; Tätig an der Monash Univ.
Publishing years Series CEMMAP working papers / Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (11) Discussion papers in economics and econometrics (3) Rotman School of Management working paper / University of Toronto Rotman School of Management (1) Econometric Theory, Forthcoming (1)