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Rupasingha, Anil Kuyvenhoven, Arie Ruben, Ruerd Nkonya, Ephraim Fafchamps, Marcel Kato, Edward Ehui, Simeon K. Benin, Samuel Marré, Alexander Köhlin, Gunnar Jagger, Pamela Ssali, Henry Williams, Ryan Goldstein, Joshua R. Phillip, Dayo O. A. Wielemaker, Willem Brown, Jason P. Holden, Stein Terje Shiferaw, Bekele Schipper, Robert A. Kaizzi, Kayuki C. Mugarura, Samuel Yesuf, Mahmud Ahmed, Mohamed Bluffstone, Randall Ames Hazell, P. B. R. Schipper, Rob Kaizzi, Crammer Tesfay, Girmay Sserunkuuma, Dick Lantz, Eric Zikhali, Precious Reeder, Richard Nair, Devika Jablonski, B. B. R. Bauman, Allison Jo, Young All co-authors land development rural sustainable ethiopia Äthiopien management production highlands agricultural impacts creation strategies crop agrarboden armutsbekämpfung landwirtschaft entwicklungsplanung markets areas tigray ernährungssicherung nachhaltigkeit evidence wealth economic practices income use vermögen agrarproduktion agriculture based impact case policies northern input wirkungsanalyse landpacht program value food lease policy household natural stratification ethiopian inputs limited low messung measurement entwicklungsländer initiatives growth adoption effects concepts measures regional opportunities
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John L. Pender Alternative spellings: J. L. Pender John Pender J. Pender Biblio: Tätig am Internat. Food Policy Research Inst., Washington DC
Affiliations USA. Economic Research Service
Publishing years Series Economic research report (5) Research report / International Food Policy Research Institute (4) Routledge textbooks in environmental and agricultural economics (2) USDA-ERS Economic Research Report (1) ZEF discussion papers on development policy (1) CSAE working paper / Centre for the Study of African Economies (1) IFPRI research monographs (1) Food policy : economics planning and politics of food and agriculture (1) Focus (1) Structural estimation in applied microeconomics (1)