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Keefer, Philip Scheve, Kenneth F. Sterne, Gabriel Chortareas, Georgios E. Guillaume, Dominique M. Moyo, Dambisa Meade, Ellen E. Shortl, Anja Daubrée, Cécile Goudie, Andrew W. Onorato, Massimiliano Gaetano Bilbie, Florin O. Shortland, Anja Chortareas, Georgios Fouda, Séraphin Magloire Daubrée, Cćile All co-authors political policy monetary central bank checks balances countries states institutions credit inflation economic geldpolitik private evidence
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David Stasavage Prof. Alternative spellings: D. Stasavage
Profession Politologe
Affiliations New York University OECD London School of Economics and Political Science
Publishing years Series Working paper series / Centre for the Study of African Economies (3) Policy research working paper : WPS (2) OECD Development Centre Working Papers (2) Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (2) Development economics discussion paper series : DEDPS (2) The Princeton economic history of the Western world (2) Technical papers / OECD Development Centre (2) Policy Research Working Paper (1) Discussion paper series / Center for Economic Studies, Leuven (1) Policy research working paper (1) The international political economy of new regionalism series (1) Political economy of institutions and decisions (1) Economics discussion papers (1) Working papers / Bank of England (1) CSAE working paper / Centre for the Study of African Economies (1) The Princeton Economic History of the Western World (1) Discussion paper (1) The CFA Franc Zone in Africa (1)