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Perraudin, William R. M. Catarineu-Rabell, Eva Tsomocos, Dimitrios P. Maude, David J. Saporta, Victoria Balling, Morten Gnan, Ernest Nier, Erlend W. Hoggarth, Glenn Walter, Stefan Wyplosz, Clément Power, Mike Bowe, Colette Huertas, Thomas F. Llewellyn, David T. Goodhart, Charles A. E. Benink, Harald A. Miles, David Davies, Howard Tyson, Kathleen Praet, Peter Middeldorp, Menno Micheler, Eva-Maria Macrae, Robert Haben, Piers Grant, Charles Daníelsson, Jón Belchambers, Anthony Armour, John Allen, Franklin Instefjord, Norvald All co-authors banks rating capital financial accord new basel choice requirements important regulatory implications solvency loan credit policy bankrisiko standards value
Composed terms basel accord basler akkord new basel loan rating bank risk risk management procyclicality new choice loan value risk credit risk bank regulation rating schemes internationally active accord banks banks choice banks choose risk appetite economic solvency solvency standards bank capital solvency standard new risk risk based cycle akin increase procyclicality stable rating financial market regulation business cycle patricia jackson banking reform states banks banks financing financing economy monetary policy policy regulatory regulatory perspectives regulatory economic standards internationally active banks rating procyclicality capital value business line particular whether important policy banking supervision deposit insurance banking crisis asset liability management portfolio management portfolio selection risk accountability
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Patricia Jackson Alternative spellings: P. Jackson Biblio: Tätig bei der Ernst & Young LLP; Tätig bei der Financial Industry and Regulation Div., Bank of England in London, UK
Profession Finanzberaterin
Affiliations Ernst & Young
Publishing years Series Working papers / Bank of England (3) SUERF conference proceedings (2) Discussion paper series / LSE Financial Markets Group (2) Journal of banking & finance (2) SUERF studies (1) Risk books (1) Working paper / Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1) Oxford Financial Research Centre economics series (1)