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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Maria Karamesinē Alternative spellings: M. Karamesinē Maria Karamessini M. Karamessini B: 1960
Profession Economist Soziologin Hochschullehrerin
Affiliations Panteion Panepistēmio Koinōnikōn kai Politikōn Epistēmōn Kentro Programmatismu kai Oikonomikōn Ereunōn (Athen)
Publishing years Series Routledge IAFFE advances in feminist economics (2) Ergasies gia syzētēsē / Kentro Programmatismu kai Oikonomikōn Ereunōn (2)