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Saltari, Enrico Bellocchi, Alessandro Giombini, Germana Calcagnini, Giorgio Bellocchi, Alessandro Bischi, Gian Italo Carrera, Edgar J. S. Marin, Giovanni Carnazza, Paolo Bacchiocchi, Andrea Vitali, Beatrice Ille, Sebastian Liberati, Paolo Wymer, Clifford R. All co-authors italy italien debt schätzung estimation model productivity labor produktivität european capital consumption countries investment policy constraints del ratio frankreich france arbeitsproduktivität investition schock shock public monetary fiscal control time italian decisions finanzpolitik arbeitsnachfrage umweltpolitik arbeitsangebot investitionsentscheidung rules empirical analysis innovation optimal abatement rate risk geldpolitik cointegration kointegration lohnquote wirtschaftswachstum liquiditätsbeschränkung risiko non financial economies nonlinear notes dynamic share puzzle evidence demand shocks affect growth
Composed terms technological change technischer fortschritt debt ratio labour productivity public debt fiscal policy european countries eu countries investment decisions Öffentliche schulden eu staaten aggregate demand var modell var model labor demand environmental policy labour supply investment decision model public capital intensity labor share monetary policy economic growth stochastischer prozess stochastic process gesamtwirtschaftliche nachfrage market imperfections unvollkommener markt incomplete market elasticity of substitution liquidity constraint volkswirtschaftliche investitionstheorie theory of aggregate investment empirical analysis monetary fiscal policy nonlinear nonlinear model productivity slowdown capital accumulation abatement investment environmental policies del lavoro irreversibility uncertainty ratio real real rate steady states control pattern pattern debt consumption uncertainty nichtlineare regression nonlinear regression behavioural finance production function welfare economics social justice growth theory portfolio management portfolio selection cointegration analysis capital output ratios factor substitution manufacturing industries labour market 1990 2006 corporate finance non linear
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Giuseppe Travaglini Alternative spellings: G. Travaglini Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. Urbino, IT
Publishing years Series Working papers series in economics, mathematics and statistics : WP-EMS (3) STRECO_2022_00059 (1) Classroom Companion: Economics (1) Discussion papers in economics (1) Quality paperbacks (1)