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Kanbur, Ravi Hazarika, Gautam Beall, Jo Kar, Saibal Pranab Kumar Das Bhaduri, Saumitra Mavrotas, George Aditya, Anwesha Ostrom, Elinor Vivek, S. Agarwal, Ravi P. Aktaruzzaman, Khondker Ghosh, Nilabja Ahuja, Rajeev James, K. S. Acharya, Shabd S. Davis, Benjamin Chandna, Suvir Bhaduri, Saumitra N. Dash, Shridhar All co-authors microcredit food development india indien access financial entwicklungsländer household growth security girls rural study trade ernährungssicherung countries evidence market wto resources credit entwicklung indian urbanization control microfinance economic mikrofinanzierung urbanisierung finanzsektor handelsliberalisierung children perspective south policies rights finance empirical assessment economy status corporate reduction developing markets liberalization relative measured nutritional limits organizations members improves boys long term young kinder malawi participation asian implications
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis Prof. Alternative spellings: Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis Biblio: Tätig am Indian Inst. of Technology, Gandhinagar, India
Profession Economist
Affiliations UNDP. Country Office Malawi World Institute for Development Economics Research Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations Export Import Bank of India Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
Publishing years Series Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (5) Studies in development economics and policy (5) Discussion paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (3) Studies in Development Economics and Policy (3) Working papers / Cornell University, Department of Applied Economics and Management (2) UNU-WIDER studies in development economics (2) IZA Discussion Paper (1) International trade working paper (1) Working papers / Cornell University, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management (1) Working paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (1) Discussion papers / Helsinki Center of Economic Research : discussion paper (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) Working paper (1) [UNU-WIDER studies in development economics] (1) Journal of economic integration (1) Research report / CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics and Environment (1)