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Terrier, Gilbert Afanasyeva, Elena Holland, Allison Akcay, Osman Cevdet Baum, Christopher F. Schiff, Jerald Alan Celasun, Oya Adler, Gustavo Faulkner-MacDonagh, Chris Walsh, James P. Eskesen, Leif Tsounta, Evridiki Dodd, Randall Syed, Murtaza Lueth, Erik Khatri, Yougesh J. G. Al-Eyd, Ali J. Alper, C. Emre All co-authors debt südkorea increase rates monetary korean stress household percent distressed ppt macroprudential paper selected issues chile macroeconomic rate financial increasing geldpolitik policies model challenges transition reached disposable income emerging market standards remains variable shifting risk better diversified institutions households sensitivity shocks examines sources risks employing tests level panel data results suggest bps percentage points drop real estate interactions economy republic testing case stresstesting crisis growth prices add ongoing amortizing mortgages presents additional payments likely wirtschaftswachstum inflationsbekämpfung bank investition investment conference korea ambition versus gradualism disinflation horizons bounded rationality local global rebalancing leverage years adjustment long run economic implications competition chilean banking sector cross country comparison policy zero ferderal deficit currency substitution exchange instability turkish use microfounded dynamic stochastic equilibrium dsge banks study small open estimated shock
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Meral Karasulu Biblio: Tätig beim Internat. Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, DC, USA; Tätig an der Boǧaziçi Univ., Istanbul, Turkey
Publishing years Series IMF country report (4) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-21, 2008 (1) Discussion papers / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (1) IMF working paper (1) IMF working papers (1) Conference proceedings / Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (1) IMF Working Papers (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual congress of the European Economic Association (1)