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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Markus Leippold Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: M. Leippold B: 1970 Biblio: Infinity, a SunGard company, Zürich und Jaeger & Partner, St. Gallen
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universität Zürich. Institut für Banking und Finance Swiss Finance Institute Universität St. Gallen Tanaka Business School Federal Reserve Bank of New York Universität Zürich. Institut für Schweizerisches Bankwesen
Publishing years Series Research paper series / Swiss Finance Institute (25) Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper (8) Working paper (2) Discussion papers / CEPR (2) Bank- und finanzwirtschaftliche Forschungen (2) Review of Finance (1) EFA 2004 Maastricht Meetings (1) Working papers on finance (1) HEC Paris research paper series (1) Discussion paper / Universität St. Gallen, Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung ; School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economics (1) Research paper / International Center for Financial Asset Management and Engineering (1)