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Crombach, Lamar Sturm, Jan-Egbert Veiga, Francisco José Haan, Jakob de Qiu, Jianying Li, Jiangyan Wang, Xue Veiga, Francisco Wang, Xue Jong, Eelke de All co-authors political finanzpolitik eurozone fiscal monetary voters public union expected corruption korruption wechselkurs uninformed budget instability italy chapter makroökonometrie macroeconometrics italien konvergenzkriterien expectations downturns cycles seigniorage exchange trade international emu stability theoretical model articles seeking pbcs election government wahlverhalten wahl geldpolitik multimod zinsstruktur preisstabilität münzgewinn policy elections debt politics rate finance country versus enlargement approach rent governments deficits competence literature shows empirical haushaltsdefizit entwicklungsländer transformationsstaaten haushaltskonsolidierung simulation motives economic consequences cycle puzzles european france eliminating inflationary trap politically unstable domestic pressure uncertainty maastricht criteria pact powerful groups italian case parable eastern effects context highlights authored frank bohn like impaired uncertain finds countries panel central bank pbc expand deficit schätzung estimation konjunktur frankreich risiko risk wirkungsanalyse elite währungsunion osteuropa mismatched distorted incentives sector precise
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Frank Bohn Dr. Alternative spellings: F. Bohn
Affiliations Konjunkturforschungsstelle (Zürich) Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Universität Heidelberg University College Dublin
Publishing years Series Working paper series (5) Diskussionsbeitrag / Europäisches Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen : europäische Wirtschaft und internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (4) Discussion paper / University of Essex, Department of Economics (3) Discussion paper series / University of Essex, Department of Economics (2) Discussion paper series / Department of Economics (2) KOF working papers (1) Contributions to economics (1)