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Emmers, Dorien Rozelle, Scott Sylvia, Sean Melo, Grace Molina, José Alberto Salgado, Juan Carlos Ng, Shu Wen Taillie, Lindsey Smith Popkin, Barry M. Silva, Andrés Magaña-Lemus, David All co-authors human capital parenting developing countries training evidence program interventions children programs treatment kinder humankapital nutrition child development early foster food purchases chile age literature implementation effectiveness long term
Composed terms human capital developing countries early parenting parenting interventions interventions foster foster human capital developing training programs long term treatment impacts nutrition policy human capital investment eating habit censored quaids quaids estimation estimation quaidsce quaidsce scaled scaled nutrition nutrition services services child child development development evidence evidence chilean chilean school school meals meals program program early countries early countries designing designing tax tax discourage discourage unhealthy unhealthy food food beverage beverage purchases purchases case case chile chile household household food food security security perceptions perceptions behavior behavior nutritional nutritional quality quality food food purchases purchases children children age age developing countries lives lives conditions conditions impede impede human capital development development study
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Juan Carlos Caro Biblio: Research Associate; Master of Agricultural Economics
Affiliations Universidad de Chile University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Universidad Diego Portales RIMISP, Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural Université du Luxembourg
Publishing years Series Boston College working papers in economics (1)