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Sander, Harald Viehs, Michael Heuchemer, Sylvia Chaudhry, Sajid M. Ben-David, Itzhak Hainz, Christa Kurz, Michael Bos, Jaap W. B. Valkanov, Emil Versteeg, Roald Megginson, William L. Heuchemer, Sylvia Hoffmann, Arvid O. I. Qi, Shusen Contreras, Gaby Contreras, Gabriela Aziakpono, M. J. Thanh, Dinh Thi Huyen Dinh, Thi Huyen Thanh Plotkina, Daria Verschoor, Willem F. C. Lehnert, Thorsten Göritz, Anja Aziakpono, Meshach Bauer, Rob Beckmann, Joscha Aziakpono, Meshach Jesse Versteeg, Roald J. Jang, Yeejin Dinh, Thanh Broihanne, Marie-Hélène Straetmans, Stefan Dinh, Thanh Thi Huyen Jansen, Karsten All co-authors countries integration finance evidence financial retail project bank cross border lending kreditgeschäft firms rate pass monetary finanzkrise political policy cointegration marktintegration privatkundengeschäft kointegration eurozone loan european development cultural single environmental policies information asymmetry economic lead zone study borrowers role global empirical markets borrower zins geldpolitik credit carbon corporate structure growth using versus rates sub loans kredit projektfinanzierung determinants spillovers trading crises globalization international impact syndicated emergence data model convergence use emissions governance country unternehmensfinanzierung hypothek mortgage unternehmenskooperation globalisierung schätzung estimation supply negative exporting borders syndicates geography driver low income arranger factors effects new transmission area sample domestic strict driven overall unique results effect provide support investigate bankenkrise bankenregulierung kreditrisiko bankgeschäft proprietary deposit times where emit regulatory scoring spreads vietnam reputation sadc analyses management set act
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Stefanie Kleimeier Prof. Alternative spellings: S. Kleimeier Biblio: Associate Professor of Finance, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, The Netherlands ; Fellow, Graduate School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, The Netherlands ; METEOR, Maastricht Univ., NL ; tätig am Limburg Inst. of Financial Economics, FdEWB, Maastricht Univ., NL ; Promotionsort: Univ. of Georgia
Affiliations The @Open University. Faculty of Management Science and Technology Stellenbosch University. Business School Stellenbosch University
Publishing years Series Research memorandum / METEOR (12) GSBE research memoranda (8) Maastricht University METEOR Research Memorandum (2) De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper (1) DNB working papers (1) Fisher College of Business working paper series (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) NBER working paper series (1) Discussion paper series (1) Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems (GESY), SFB/TR 15, Discussion Paper No 183 (1) Discussion papers / Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems (1) Research memorandum / METEOR, Universiteit Maastricht, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (1) CEPS research report (1) ECRI research report (1)