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All co-authors market institutions capital equilibrium transparency labor enterprises size reduces entrepreneurship economy information informed endogenous price competition talent unionised union power paper shows gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft financial allocation optimal welfare human institutional important formation new effects wage determination firm analysed analytically illustrated numerically main result increase rate average arbeitsmarkt berufswahl arbeitsmarktflexibilität unternehmensgründung management organizations versus markets signalling externality entrepreneurial risk shareholders care corporate investment returns non consumers levels stable excessive total uninformed finance entry conventional industries industry preiswettbewerb marktstruktur wohlfahrtsanalyse informationsmanagement verhandlungstheorie markteintritt betriebsgröße kapitalproduktivität unternehmensbewertung investition spence revisited case open source programming skill product processing technological progress stock option based incentive scheme strike note jensen productivity measures monetary collusion use introduce model where costly announced prices symmetric mixed strategy monotonic relationship degree intensity zero low level
Composed terms labor market market institutions shareholder value market transparency entrepreneurship unionised unionised economy union power paper shows informed capital union membership entrepreneurship approach occupational choice endogenous market financial institutions human capital institutional equilibrium shows labor institutions important important formation formation new new enterprises enterprises effects effects labor institutions entrepreneurship entrepreneurship wage wage determination determination firm size analysed analysed analytically analytically illustrated illustrated numerically numerically main main result result increase increase union power reduces reduces equilibrium equilibrium rate rate entrepreneurship entrepreneurship reduces reduces average average size size enterprises labour market labour market flexibility business start up verhandlungstheorie des lohnes collective bargaining theory transparency price price competition competition endogenous institutions allocation allocation talent economy optimal optimal information information management organizations versus versus markets open source economy shareholders shareholders care care corporate investment returns stable equilibrium total welfare firm size market structure bargaining theory market entry firm valuation spence revisited signalling externality case open skill signalling low levels gives rise
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Mikko Leppämäki Biblio: Tätig an der Helsinki School of Economics und GSF
Publishing years Series Discussion papers / Department of Economics, University of Helsinki (5) Discussion paper / Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, University of Helsinki (2) Discussion papers / Helsinki Center of Economic Research : discussion paper (1) Bank of Finland Research Discussion Paper (1) CESifo working papers (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Bank of Finland research discussion papers (1) CESifo working papers : the international platform of Ludwig-Maximilians University's Center for Economic Studies and the Ifo Institute (1)