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Nikolopoulos, Konstantinos Bhattacharya, Prasad S. Papailias, Fotis Wang, Tao Papanastasopoulos, Georgios Kottaridi, Constantina Mitra, Devashish Vortelinos, Dimitrios I. Kyriazi, Foteini Xidonas, Panos Hardouvelis, Gikas A. Hassani, Hossein Dhrymes, Phoebus J. Karagiannis, Sotirios Méndez-Carbajo, Diego Litsiou, Konstantia Katsagounos, Ilias Koubouros, Michail S. Yahlomi, Rafael Monokroussos, Platon Karayalçin, Cem Liu, Jiadong Satō, Ryūzo Talagala, Priyanga Dilini Yusupova, Alisa Winkler, Robert L. Wang, Xiaoqian Trapero Arenas, Juan Ramón Todini, Ezio Thorarinsdottir, Thordis Tashman, Len Talagala, Thiyanga S. Spiliotis, Evangelos Syntetos, Aris A. All co-authors model series window results prognoseverfahren exchange rolling kapitaleinkommen using empirical returns rate corporate economic analysis realized evidence bonds stock models θ‐method greece performance zeitreihenanalyse griechenland data method literature study volatility unit estimation root effect chapter dgp schätzung volatilität based jumps
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Dimitrios D. Thomakos Alternative spellings: D. D. Thomakos Dimitrios Thomakos
Affiliations Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon Panepistēmion University of Athens. Department of Business Administration University of Peloponnese. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series School working papers / Economics series / Faculty of Business and Law, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University (4) Quantf Research Working Paper Series (2) Palgrave Macmillan studies in banking and financial institutions (2) Discussion paper series / Department of Economics, Columbia University (2) QMS Research Paper 2019/04 (1) Discussion papers / University of Reading, Department of Economics (1) Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions (1) CAMA Working Paper Series 05/2011 (1) CAMA working paper series (1) Discussion papers / Department of Economics, University of California San Diego (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) International financial forecasting (1)