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Ponsot, Jean-François Aglietta, Michel Hours, Bernard Blanc, Jérôme Desmedt, Ludovic Le Maux, Laurent Marques-Pereira, Jaime Théret, Bruno Broder, David Lafaye de Micheaux, Elsa All co-authors geldpolitik dette les années russia geldtheorie tauschwirtschaft russland debt barter monnaie economy contours économie troc russie hysteresis post geldgeschichte wirtschaftskultur sovereignty hysterese liquidität liquidity monetary plurality economic money years power politics complementary currency systems case study clubs argentina entre
Composed terms monetary policy monetary theory barter economy monetary history economic culture private verschuldung private debt institutioneller wandel institutional change monetary plurality plurality economic economic money money years years debt debt power power politics politics complementary complementary currency currency systems systems case case study study barter barter clubs clubs argentina argentina la la monnaie monnaie entre entre dettes dettes souveraineté souveraineté solidarity solidarity economy economy mean mean contours contours feasibility feasibility theoretical theoretical political political project project anthropological anthropological economy economy debt debt dette dette qui qui dette dette quoi quoi une une économie
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Pépita Ould-Ahmed Alternative spellings: Pépita Ould Ahmed Pepita Ould-Ahmed Pepita Ould Ahmed Pépita Ould-Ahmed Pépita Ould Ahmed
Affiliations Institut de Recherche pour le Développement École des hautes études en sciences sociales Centre national de la recherche scientifique Centre d'Etudes Prospectives d'Economie Mathématique Appliquées à la Planification (Paris)
Publishing years Series Économie (1) Routledge studies in anthropology (1) Questions contemporaines / Série Globalisation et sciences sociales (1)