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Drake, Leigh M. Hall, Maximilian Kenjegalieva, Karligash Kenjegalieva, Karligash A. Santoso, Wimboh Hadad, Muliaman D. Zelenyuk, Valentin Zhou, Zhongbao Weyman-Jones, Thomas G. Dadoukis, Aristeidis Bryce, Cormac Liu, Wenbin B. Verschelde, Marijn Badunenko, Oleg Kenjegalieva, Karliagash A. Glass, Karligash Rogge, Nicky Nguyen, Linh Suryatinc, Enny Mustika, Gandjar Liu, Wenbin Hennebel, Veerle Liu, Wenbin Hall, Max J.B. Fusi, Giulia Batchelor, Dan All co-authors analysis bank police polizei efficiency effizienz risk non banks parametric productivity produktivität economies scale environmental factors hong kong financial wales approach application model skalenertrag management
Composed terms data envelopment analyse data envelopment analysis technical efficiency technische effizienz non parametric efficiency analysis returns to scale hong kong risk management economies scale environmental factors kong banking bank efficiency control variable english welsh choice risk management control asian financial financial crisis eastern european bank risk nichtparametrisches verfahren nonparametric statistics loan loss south korean korean banks factors affecting affecting hong banking post post asian crisis efficiency parametric analysis scale uk uk building entry exit exit model force efficiency building society risk control bank lending south korea x efficiency x effizienz 2003 2007 relevant choice variable non parametric bank bank profit profit efficiency analysis case case south analysis efficiency productivity changes european banking banking efficiency banking sector banking application new approach
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Richard Simper Dr. Alternative spellings: R. Simper Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Loughborough Univ.
Affiliations University of Nottingham. Business School
Publishing years Series Economics discussion paper series / Loughborough University, Department of Economics (17) Economic research paper / Loughborough University, Department of Economics (5) LUBC research paper (2) Working paper series / Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (1) HKIMR working paper (1) HKIMR Working Paper (1)